The number 437737 is a code for herpes. You can see that it spells “HERPES” on a keypad. It’s a discreet way of disclosing he/she has herpes.

First time to hear about it? I will tell you how it will be used and you will find it “WOW”.

You might join some regular dating sites before. Have you ever imagine that some members there got herpes or other STDs? It’s really quite normal since one-third of adults are living with herpes in the United States.

Most of them won’t say that they have herpes on the dating profile directly. Some guys are honest and using the hints like “HSV+” or “437737 ” instead.

On the regular dating sites, how can you find others have herpes or how do you tell others you have herpes? Actually, it’s quite simple. Add “437737” somewhere in the profile. Some sites have advanced search options like “Keyword” by which users can browse profiles having specific texts. Then people can search for the number. Since they are searching for it, they know what it means and what profiles they want to find.

There is another problem. You may don’t want to put the number rightly in the headline. It’s a little straightforward. You can be more creative and put it somewhere in your profile content. Here are some brilliant parts from dating profiles.

How can you use the code 437737?

You can disguise the number in many ways like:

“I love the dog! I even want to have 437737 dogs!”

“It’s a busy time. It feels like I have 437737 things to do.”

“If I can, I’d like to eat sushi 437737 times. What’s your favorite food?”

I also see some websites owner use the number in some ways like:

“437737 support group”

“437737 dating sites”

The lists are far more than these.  You can figure out when you saw it.

We don’t know the origin of the number. But thanks for the brilliant idea which can help filter people who can accept and who can’t accept the virus before starting a new relationship. Of course, if you want to avoid the hassle, you can join 437737 dating sites.

437737 – Code Number Makes Dating Easier
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