We received a letter recently. It’s from a guy whose girlfriend has HSV-2. He fell in love with her deeply. When everything goes smoothly, she told him the secret. He was shocked and confused. He said that they don’t have
7 Most Frequently Asked Herpes Questions
Since we have known the most common herpes symptoms and signs, now we’d like to mention other 7 most frequently asked herpes questions. As we always say, herpes is just a virus. If we know more about it, we can
Common Herpes Symptoms and Signs
Herpes is very common. According to ashasexualhealth.org, about 1 in 8 people aged 14-49 in the U.S. has genital herpes. About 1 in 2 people ages 14-49 in the U.S. are infected with HSV-1, which is the typical cause of oral
5 things you should know after testing positive for herpes
1. Take medicine and keep a healthier habit The medicine can help you reduce the outbreak. Meanwhile, workout and healthier diets can strengthen immunity. According to WebMD, there are many potential herpes triggers, eg, sexual intercourse, sunlight, colds, hormones, surgery,
Living with Herpes: Herpes is Not the End of the World
Many people think that living with herpes is the end of the world. Actually, it’s completely the opposite, a start of new you. It’s essential to lead a healthy lifestyle since it can help control the outbreak of herpes. Perhaps,
6 Rules for Herpes Dating
Imagine that you have herpes and met the potential match, you are excited for herpes dating but anxiety about the little secret. What should you do under this condition? For example, will you tell your partner the virus? There are
Sex with Herpes: Everything You Need to Know
Herpes isn’t the end of your sex life. You can still have a fulfilling sex life, even if it may be more complicated than before you’re diagnosed. You just need to be careful what you do and when to do.
Tips on Dating with Herpes
Dating with Herpes Living with herpes does not mean it’s time to end your dating life. You can live happily and safely with your partner. Many people choose to stay single fearing that they may transfer the disease to their
Things you should know about living with herpes
It’s not easy to deal with herpes. When getting diagnosed, you may feel guilty, ashamed or angry, and someone you could trust have hurt you. The condition is difficult to be accepted. You must face it bravely, get treatment positively